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6 Best Scroll bar Widgets For your Site + How to Add it Tutorial For Blogger

There is no need to give an intro on what a scroll bar is, but you might need to know its use. You might have a lot of tabs opened on your browser, why not check their scroll bars out. The default scroll bar is what your site might also have, on chrome it looks like this. A custom scroll bar is used to make your template fully customized. It will give your template a more professional feel. For example, if your template's main color is black, then why not use a matching black scroll bar? Same goes for all the other colors. Now I am going to present up to 6  AWESOME SCROLL BAR STYLES especially for all of you. The amazing scroll bars will add that elegant essence that your site is currently missing.  NOTE - These scroll bar style will be given in CSS codes. If you want to change the color or size then you can because these codes are fully customizable. 6 CSS SCROLL BAR WIDGETS Gray Scrollbar This gray scrollbar is very simple and cute. If you do not lik...

Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing the website’s content in such a way that search engines Understand the Niche of your website Understand the Content of your website Finds the content good and ranks it well in the Search Engine Results When we search something in using the search engines then It displays various web pages according to the Quality of the content, Authority of a website, and Various other strategies. For beginners to SEO, we have categorized SEO in basic two categories On-Page Search Engine Optimization These are the ways in which you can improve your Web Pages so that they can be easily ranked higher in Search Engine. Here are some of the steps for On-Page Optimization Before adding content to your website or blog, always do some Keyword Research. It is the process of researching keywords that have higher search volumes in Search Engines. Write your content focused around the keywords but always keep the content na...

How to Unlock a Locked Gadget in Your Blogger Blog 🔒→🔓

Sometimes when we start a new blog or apply a new template that we love and just do not want to replace, a certain widget that we do not want appears to be locked, and I am sure that you get as bugged out as me, right? These locked gadgets cannot be removed or even moved from their place. Though, unlocking these gadgets are not as hard as you might think. Such gadgets that are locked like the Attribution gadget or any other gadget that may come with a template may not suit your blog after all or you may just not want it. These gadgets need to be removed or else you will be stuck with them forever and you will just have to try and make them work. Luckily, you don't have to stick with them. All you have to do is a bit of fix-it work in your blog's HTML editor. Tips Before Getting Started Just in case you accidentally remove something important or mess up your entire blog, you should have your template backed up, for this, you have to follow the steps ahead Navi...

How To Save The Space Of Address Bar By Grouping All Extensions Into One Place On Chrome

Do you recognize this?  I am pretty sure that your address bar looks like this, with a whole lot of chrome extensions on the side. Chrome extensions are the things which allow you to add your own personalized touch to your browser. We all know that there is a huge online store full of awesome extensions out there, the end of the page is the limit. But the only problems are that the more you get extensions, the shorter the address bar gets, and I do not think that we should have to remove those awesome extensions unwillingly. Till date, there is no certain app that can group up multiple extensions and place them in a file like you can do with your bookmarks. But, instead of making multiple groups, you can make 1 single group in under a minute which can be accessed to you in under 1 second, or at maximum, 2. Any Solution? Well, obviously there is one because that would be the reason that I am writing this post. Let's take the example of some of the extens...

How to Add a Star Rating widget to Blogger

If you are a blogger providing content, tips, tutorials, recipes, reviews or anything at all to attract viewers, then you also should require for there to be a medium through which they can interact in a way that is a bit unique. But, for interaction purposes, you must all have comment forms and contact forms, buttons and things if such sort, but they are all very common. To add that bit or sparkle to your site , you need something like a star rating widget. Now luckily, we have provided a few methods using which you can add some of those sparkling stars to your own lovely site. Since a site or a blog should most positively have a rating option. This widget improves the level of interactivity in your site and is highly recommended. There are a couple of rating widgets for a blogger for free. 5-Star Ratings, Thumbs Up-Down Ratings, Yes-No Ratings, 1-5 Ratings, 1-10 ratings , etc. Now, when it comes to the  Blogger platform  Blogger doesn't provide any rating widget...

How to create a Table of Contents page or Sitemap for Your Blogger Blog

If you are a blogger on your way to creating an epic blog, then you need to be sure that your blog has everything it needs first. One major principle that should be a part of every blog or site or anything on the web is Convenience .  To be more clear, take an example. Imagine if you have a large book from which you need to find everything available for just a single topic or maybe even just a single chapter, and say that there are 300 chapters. You can't possibly waste so much time going through each page. The thing that you'd look at before any other page of the book would be the table of contents so you can easily skip to the important place(s). But, on the other and, if it wouldn't be available, you would go to some other source that would make finding its information easy and convenient .   And here is where we come in, just like mentioned above, if your site does not offer something so that all of its content could be easily organized and accessed, then just reme...