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How to Embed a Pacman Flash Game with its Html Coding and Scripts


Hey, guys. So today I was thinking about playing games and watching re-runs of my favorite show ICarly. I watched the episode in which they were playing Pac-man. Which made me want to play it. So, I played for a while and thought, " What if I add a game like this to my blog?", but I thought that it made no sense for me to add it. But after I thought it out a bit more, I felt that if not me, then I should at least help other people add it to their sites. 
I did a bit of researching add I finally found a google version of this game. But I thought that there could be better versions. We all like things without copyrights, right? So I went on and searched for it from other blogs, gaming sites and I tried everything, so I finally got 2 of them. Personally, I like the second one more.
Okay, so now it's time to add one of these babies. Just follow the steps given below.

1) Simple Google Flash Game

This version was provided by Google on their home search engine page, and thanks to Rustybricks, we got a chance to grab it for ourselves. This might not be the type of Pacman game you are looking for, but it great if you want to keep it as a loading screen or a pleasant surprise on a 404 - not found page. Why not take a look for yourselves -

Okay, now if you have tested this out and you would like to use this for your own website, then go ahead. The exact code is this, and try not to change it (unless you can actually speak this language) -

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2) A Full Pacman Game

Okay, now trust me, you cannot find a better Pacman game for your site. This one? yeah, I searched for like 4-5 days and finally got it. 4-5 DAYS! Yeah, that means I covered a lot of Google territory. This version of Pacman gives a lot more control to the user.

• use arrow keys to move
P = pause, Q = quit, M = mute sound

Okay, I bet you really liked this one. If you are anxious to add this one to your site then copy the code below.

<span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"></span><br /><div align="center" class="tablib_content_container tablib_content_container0 " id="one_id" style="display: block;"><span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"><br /></span></div><span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"><embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="375" name="neavePacMan" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="" title="Adobe Flash Player" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" wmode="opaque"></embed><br /></span><span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"><br />• use arrow keys to move<br />P = pause, Q = quit, M = mute sound</span><span style="font-family: &quot;courier new&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"></span>

How to Add these games To Your Blogger Blog

Did you choose your favorite game yet? I bet you have if you made it all the way here. If you do not know how to add this game to your site, then let me tell you that there are 4 ways to do it.
  1. First of all, you can add it as a Gadget in your blogger blog.
  2. Another option is to add it in a post or a page
  3. You can add it as a pleasant surprise on a 404 - not available page.
  4. And the last way I could think of is that you can turn it into a pre-loader if you are tech savvy enough.
Okay, so did you finally get what you were looking for. Hope so. Your readers and visitors would definitely appreciate it. Have a doubt? Ask it in the comments below and be sure to check out my next post.


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  6. Thanks for sharing this tutorial on Games To Embed On My Site ! It's such a fun way to add some interactivity to a blog. Your instructions are clear and easy to follow—great work!


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