How to get 10000+ Clicks on AdSense Ads Per Month

How to get 10000+ Clicks on AdSense Ads Per Month

10,000 clicks per month equates to 330+ clicks per day. You would need not far off 5000 unique visitors per day to achieve that.

However, you should be aware of the dangers of this type of business model, which I also share towards the end and would urge you to take note of.

To Increase Traffic to your Blog

There are lots of ways to do this, but the most important one is to consistently and regularly publish content to your blog.

The more content you publish - presuming it’s good quality and relevant to the niche your blog is in - the more traffic you will attract over time from search.

But that’s really just the start.

Here are 10 more ways to increase traffic to your blog…

1: Start an email list

If you haven’t already, then encourage visitors to your blog to join it.

When you publish new content, let your subscribers know. For example, publish a daily email linking back to new content or a weekly summary.

READ - How to make Money with Mailchimp Newsletter Subscriptions

The more you build your email list, along with your relationship with it, the faster traffic on your blog will grow.

2: Split test subject lines of emails

This is to start understanding your list better and the types of subject lines that attract the strongest response in terms of open rates and click-throughs.

For example, Informz found shortened subject lines led to a 26% lift in open rates:

3: Use social media.

As a minimum, create a Facebook Page and start using Twitter.

Build your audience on both networks by sharing your new content regularly, and engaging with other content that appeals to your audience.

Read - Marketing Myths That Are Killing This Generation Of Businesses - The Right Approach to Grow Your Business

For Twitter, don’t just share your content once, share it multiple times using different aspects of the same content.

Over time, your social traffic will grow, and your authority and credibility on social will support your search rankings, driving further search traffic.

4: Make sure your blog posts are optimized for SEO.

Install and use the Yoast SEO plugin if you use WordPress.
As well as helping you to optimize individual posts, you can also use it to:
Create an XML Sitemap for your blog
Define how your titles and meta tags should appear for your content
Provide links for your social accounts
And more.

Additionally, stay updated on SEO trends and do your research.

READ - Beginners Guide To Search Engine Optimization

5: Use Buzzsumo for research.

This will show you the most popular posts relating to specific keywords. You’ll discover the type of content that people in your niche respond well too.
Using this information can help you discover topics and craft titles for content that will perform better and attract more traffic to your blog over time.

6: Ensure your blog loads quickly.

For all the benefits Wordpress gives you, it can be slow. Slow sites don’t perform as well in search, and you’ll lose visitors who do click through and get frustrated.

Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to check how your blog performs. It shows how Google currently judges its performance - improving its performance can have a direct impact on your search traffic.

To speed it up:

Use the W3 Total Cache plugin to increase your website performance, through for example integrating with a CDN (content delivery network) for images, static files etc.

Ensure your website is on a decent host. A slow server will have a considerable impact on your results across the board.

Optimize your images. Save images as e.g. jpegs optimized to 70%, or less if you can do so without causing image deterioration. Software like ImageOptim can shave several kb more off the image.

7: Is your blog mobile-compatible?

Check how your blog appears on mobile. If visitors have to zoom in to try to read anything, it isn’t.

This is a serious issue - but one with a potentially big opportunity once fixed - and will mean you’re missing out on a big chunk of traffic from mobile users.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check.

For Wordpress, making your blog compatible for mobile will involve using a suitable, responsive theme.

“Responsive” simply means your blog will respond appropriately - i.e. adapt - to the device from which the visitor is trying to view your site, whether that’s a mobile, tablet or desktop.

8: Make sure you’re on your own domain

If you’re trying to build traffic to a blog that’s for example hosted on Wordpress or Blogger - e.g. yoursite[dot]wordpress[dot]com - it will never be taken seriously by either visitors or search engines.

For example, it looks more like a hobby, amateur site, and people using search will more readily skip over this kind of result and click on something more authoritative. This results in lower rankings and less traffic. Keep subdomains only until you've fully committed to blogging.

As a basic foundational step for any site trying to build up traffic, it needs to be on your own domain.

Apart from anything else, you want full control. 

9: Repurpose content

Content on your blog can be re-used in many different ways to attract more traffic back to the blog. I’ve already mentioned using it for email and social media.

There are other content channels too where you can publish content on a regular basis, build a significant audience, and use it to drive traffic back to your blog.

For example:
Create a YouTube channel linked with your blog, and repurpose your blog content into videos. As you build an audience, you can attract tens of thousands of views within days of publication. Here’s an example from Clutterbug’s YouTube channel:

On Quora - find questions that your blog posts help answer, adapt your post for the question (make sure you answer it fully), and link back to your blog post for further information. Or create a blog on Quora, adapting posts on your blog for the platform, again linking back to one or more posts on your blog.

Start writing on Medium - this is another hugely popular content platform that you can use to build an audience and send traffic back to your blog in different ways. Here are some example stats shared by Medium user @JMHHACKER:

Guest post on popular blogs within your niche. Link back to your blog from the bio to drive traffic. This will also help your own search rankings. You may also be able to link back to your own posts from within the guest post itself.

10: Frequent relevant forums

Use forums that are relevant to your blog and the audience you want to attract. Share your expertise by answering questions and joining in conversations. Link to your blog via your bio or any signature info you’re able to add.

Over time, this can drive significant amounts of traffic and help build your authority and credibility.

You can also discover the exact types of information people are wanting, and the problems they are facing, and create content that’s laser-targeted to suit your market.

To Increase Clicks of Adsense Ads on your Blog

Increasing the click-throughs of ads on your blog is all about testing and experimentation.

Test the following factors:
The placement of ads - where are ads best placed to attract the highest click rates?
The number of ad blocks - how does the number of ad blocks placed on your post affect your clicks? Too many and you’ll likely drive traffic away. Too few, and you won’t be optimizing your earnings.
The design of the ads - what font works best for your blog? What text colours help attract the most clicks? What size font is most effective?

Keep testing, looking for the optimal result for your own blog. Don’t just blindly follow what other blogs are doing, find what works for you.

A Warning

Building a blog that relies on Adsense for income is dangerous.

People are blinded when they start earning money through it, but blogs frequently have Adsense turned off completely. It can be hard to resolve any issues and get it turned back on again.

In brief, you have zero control. It’s a weak business model and any income you achieve through Adsense should only be seen as temporary.

Instead, use your blog to build other sources of income. As stated above, use it to build your list. Find out what your list wants and sell it to them.

Ideally, create your own products and/or services (you’ll earn far more than what Adsense gives you).

Failing that, sell to them as an affiliate if you have to and earn some commissions.

Either way, make sure you’re not completely reliant on Adsense.

At most, it should only ever be a supplementary income to what you otherwise earn through your blog.

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